Wednesday, May 09, 2007

My new journey: Coding for Half life 2

Well, I'll try to post things about my learning process, this might provably help some new comers to the Half Life 2 coding.

First I had a fun time searching for the SDK, turns out, it is available on Steam so this differs on how half life 1 was, which created a little difficulty for me trying to find it... Especially since I get frustrated when something I think it's simple is not the first link that comes up on google when I search for it :)

Anyway... Follow the instructions here:
Pretty much just download the SDK and install it... I'm almost possitive 100% is the SDK and not SDK base... I think according to this link
That it's pretty much using the latest SDK for your mod but I don't know if they mean it hasn't been tested through or if it's like a beta stage... I don't think I should care about that too much at this point so...

On other news: I graduated for my Master's degree in Computer Information Systems - personal hi 5. And now I'm looking for a job, and pretty much that's why I'm coding now, I think I can learn this, it's hard but giving up without even trying is not what you are supposed to do according to movies :)

Best of luck to all of you new comers to coding, including myself :)

I'll keep updating, provably not all the time 'cause it might be boring, but I'll do my best, that way I can keep track of what I've done too XD

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