Tuesday, May 15, 2007

When do you introduce violence to a kid?

I was watching this video speech of Marilyn Manson and I wanted to share some thoughts with you guys...

I think he makes nice remarks, it made me think about how will I raise my kinds, it's kind of hard to try to teach someone... When do you know it's the right time to introduce to sex? violence? murders? deaths? drugs? all those things kind of are hidden from lots of kids because of their parents, then they hear it on the news, listen to friends, learn it on the street... Since the day they are born? I don't think so.. you don't want to kill a kids innocence, but then when?

I don't blame music for anything, I'm a rocker/metalhead/headbanger whatever you call it, I listen to all sorts of death, black, heavy metal bands and many of those bands lyrics are nasty but that doesn't mean I'll go and do what they say, I like the music, that's it, and the lyrics fit the music, you can't have pop lyrics on a cannibal corpse song, wtf... It's the way the kid is raised, the enviorment, the friends, the family and all that together what makes the listener think for themselves and to have a good point of view on what's right and wrong. But what's right or wrong? Well I guess you have to go with feelings 'cause it changes from person to person, I guess the common good is - don't hurt people.

Live and let live, help out each other... We all still have a long way to go to become the perfect world I guess we all dream about.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This is great info to know.